Easy treatment of psoriasis It is a skin disease psoriasis
Easy treatment for psoriasis
It is a skin disease. Inflammation of the skin in which the surface of the skin becomes rough just like the surface above the (oyster) and sometimes dry skin shells like fish come down on it. At the onset of the disease, small reddish-pink rashes form on which a layer of scales forms. The scabs are removed by scratching and after some time they start growing again and then this inflammation grows and takes up a lot of space. If no proper measures are taken, the affected area increases in size. It is a very stubborn disease and does not go away quickly. It is very painful and focuses on the elbows, arms, knees, legs, scalp and back.
In the language of medicine, it is called psoriasis, while in Urdu it is called Upper Sadaf and in English it is called Psoriasis. There is also an English term for it, Eezema, and it is more often called by that name. According to Oriental medicine, it is one of the most common toxic diseases in which toxic body material affects the skin on any part of the body. It is a very painful disease which has some effect on the nature of the skin and causes a feeling of great discomfort. Medicine experiments show that it is less common in children and the elderly. However, in young people between the ages of 20 and 40 and most people have been seen on the legs and arms. There is a lump on the scalp, but it is often thought of as dandruff, so a difference is necessary.
According to Oriental medicine, confusion is due to bargaining. That is, if the body fails to excrete certain nutrients, the substances cause the disease and try to appear in the form of grains. Other factors can include digestive disorders, nausea, constipation, alcoholism, and emotional stress. Depression can also be caused by increased skin activity. The disease is more prevalent in the West than in tropical countries. According to modern experts, the cause of this disease is a virus.
The following prescription has been practiced by Ustad Shaheed Pakistan Hakim Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and many people have benefited from its continuous use for three months for healing.
Rasoot Chakso Narkchur Kath Safid (all 3 grams)
Grind all four ingredients, boil it in half a glass of water, filter it and drink it in the morning. In the afternoon, take a spoonful of fresh water and drink two tablespoons of Ashba syrup.
Prescription No. 2: Gul Mandi ten pieces, grazing six grams.
Boil it in half a glass of water, filter it, mix two spoons of jujube syrup and drink it in the morning. The disease is very common in the West, there is a lot of research going on, but they still do not have a cure.
Easy Ways to Avoid Itching, Psoriasis and Ringworm
Psoriasis patients should never use soap that dries the skin more. Absolutely do not use soaps that are antibacterial and kill germs as they are more likely to increase psoriasis.
The skin is the most important and prominent organ of the human body. In terms of weight, it is one-sixteenth of the total body. One of its main functions is to protect the body from external influences such as extreme sun, heat and severe cold or various germs. Excessive sweating in summer keeps the human body temperature moderate, while in winter the blood vessels in the skin constrict, which stops the process of sweating, and the fat in the third layer of human skin is harmful to the body. We must keep in mind that the human skin protects man from the effects of the weather. There it is more susceptible to various diseases in certain seasons. Nowadays it is winter so some skin diseases are not only more prevalent in this season but also their severity increases to a painful extent.
In winter, some skin diseases get worse by their nature. The necessary information about these diseases is very important to prevent them.
Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a specific type of skin allergy that has many causes. Rubber, plastics, metals, especially different types of clothes and dishwashing powders, make-up, hair dye chemicals, perfumes, different types of shoes, gloves, cement, etc. are thousands of things that can cause psoriasis. The disease can also be caused by hereditary causes. The main symptoms of this disease are itching, roughness and dryness, darkening of the affected area, thickening of the skin like skin.
Due to the dry weather in winter, the skin becomes drier and rougher. As soon as the skin is dry, the chances of getting psoriasis increase and the itching increases exponentially. When the disease affects children, not only they but also the parents suffer from severe anxiety and the child's sleep is affected. He itches all night. This condition can be dangerous if not treated properly.
Precautions: ہے It is very important to keep the skin soft or oily. Vaseline should be used several times a day. It is more beneficial to moisturize the skin a little before applying Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly). Apply immediately after bathing. It is very useful. In addition to Vaseline, mustard oil, glycerin and rose liqueur can also be applied in equal proportions. * Bathing with lukewarm water is beneficial. The use of oil on wet skin immediately after bathing is very beneficial. * Psoriasis patient should always wear cotton clothes. If you want to wear woolen clothes, then wear cotton clothes and wear woolen clothes. * Psoriasis patients should never use soap that dries the skin more. Absolutely do not use soaps that are antibacterial and kill germs as they are more likely to increase psoriasis. We use a lot of antiseptic soap in every skin disease. This is dangerous behavior. It should be used only on the advice of a doctor immediately. Soaps that contain grease are better. (Don't put a heater in the room) Repeat to your mind that this is a minor itch, it will go away soon. Don't start itching. It increases psoriasis. This is very important. The mind of such a patient becomes addicted to itching. This addiction must be stopped.
Heel rupture: This is a very common problem. In winter, the skin of the feet becomes very rough, which causes deep wounds on the heels and makes it difficult to walk and causes severe pain.
Precautions: Wear soft shoes, do not use high heels. * Soak your feet in lukewarm water at least three times a day for five minutes. * Apply liquid paraffin and white pit jelly in equal weight on wet skin. * Unless the heels are right. Apply a cotton pad to the affected area, bandage it and walk around wearing socks. When the heels get better, it is not needed. * If there are deep wounds on the heels, consult a dermatologist.
Infectious itching: Itching in winter becomes an epidemic. Keep in mind that not every itch is contagious. Itchy psoriasis can also be caused by insect bites, liver and kidney damage, and various medications. Infectious itching is caused by a bacterium that has the following symptoms: * Severe itching that increases at night. * Many people living in the same place suffer from it. * The skin between the fingers of the hands, the sides of the fingers, the wrists, the elbows, the armpits, the chest and abdomen, the specific organs and the feet are particularly affected.
Precautions: As soon as the itching disease occurs, show it to the doctor. Early treatment not only improves the patient but also the disease does not spread to others. * If not treated in time, all people living in the same place become infected. It should be noted that infectious itching is the worst type of itching that can affect many people living together. Thus many people in the same house, neighborhood, school, hostel get infected with this disease. The cause of the disease is a small worm. It is more common in winter through direct contact with one another or the use of contaminated clothing.
Mildew: In winter, wearing closed shoes and socks from morning to evening does not allow air to reach the feet, especially between the toes, due to which mildew germs grow. Symptoms: Severe itching on the skin between the toes. Is. The affected area turns red and becomes sore. Without proper treatment, the fungus can spread to other parts of the body. Precautions: Keep feet dry. Take off shoes and socks at least five times a day, wash your feet with water and dry them thoroughly.
Inflammation and bruising of the fingers and toes: Some people get red and swollen fingers and toes in winter. There is significant pain. Later, the affected skin begins to turn blue. This is due to the high sensitivity of our blood vessels in winter to winter.
Precautions: Dip hands and feet in lukewarm water five times a day for five minutes. * Wear woolen gloves and socks. * Always protect your hands and feet from cold air and cold water.